Services will be held in the lower level of Cedar / Maple City Lions Club Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM

Come as you are, but WARNING God may change this!

Pastor Leon J. Schaub

Pastor Leon Schaub is a 3rd year graduate of S.M.T.I. (Super Natural Ministries Institute) of Midland, MI. (1987-1989)

Leon is a graduate and ordained minister of Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas Texas graduating in June 1992.

Pastor Leon served as an Associate Pastor of Leelanau Community Church where he ministered and emphasized the importance of an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Leon’s responsibilities included the oversight of the church ministries and also served as school administrator for the K-12 School. His greatest joy is seeing the hearts of the youth being revived and refreshed in their relationship with Jesus Christ challenging them to live holy and serve God with a passion.

In July 2001, Pastor Leon joined Faith Covenant Ministry founded by Jim & Sylvia Miley. Faith Covenant Ministries is an apostolic ministry team that’s purpose is to plant and strengthen churches. He as part of Faith Covenant Ministries planted a local church in Cherry Hill, New Jersey (Covenant Life Outreach Center) where he pastored from 2005 until 2010.

In 2010 Pastor Leon moved back home to Leelanau County where he could assist in the care taking of his mother (Theresa) and father (Leonard). He worked in the area working as a kitchen manager/chef in different Assisted Living Facilities from 2010 -2021).

Upon the passing of his father and mother, Pastor Leon is returning to full time ministry working with Sylvia Miley, Ted and Rose Wentworth and other team members of Faith Covenant Ministries pioneering a local church plant in the Cedar/Maple City area. Covenant Life Church will start its opening service on February 6, 2022